Robot info

Builder info


Ultimo Destructo


Sean Irvin


Swiss Army Bot- flipper, hammer, vertical spinner, horizontal spinner, kitchen sink


Robotics Engineer. Sean designs military EoD robots for Harris Corporation. These robots are used in theater to save human life by identifying, neutralizing, and removing IEDs.


Carnage Robotics

Sean Irvin, Don Price

Years competing:

6 seasons: BattleBots S3-5 on Comedy Central, Robocide Season 1, BattleBots Season 2 on ABC, and BattleBots 2018


Valkaria, FL

Favorite tool:

8 lb sledge hammer – It’s better to be the hammer than the anvil!

Favorite robot:

Omega Supreme from Transformers. I still have a fully functioning toy in my office.


Interesting fact:
Sean has been interested in robots since he was a kid. Growing up with Transformers, Star Wars, Lost in Space, and Robot Jox led him to pursue his college degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Robotics.